More troops or failure in Afghanistan, says general
Breaking news from The Washington Post
News Alert -
12:00 AM EDT Monday, September 21, 2009
McChrystal: More Forces or 'Mission Failure' -
The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan warns in an urgent, confidential assessment of the war that he needs more forces within the next year and bluntly states that without them, the eight-year conflict "will likely result in failure," according to a copy of the 66-page document obtained by The Washington Post.
For more information, visit -
I started the archivist search at 1:30 a.m. on September 21, 2009. However, more troops for Afghanistan was a stream before this latest 'find' by The Washington Post. Archivist found 1500 messages going back to 10:47 a.m. September 11.
More breaking news from The Washignton Post. The ambassador sends a 'secret' document into the D.C. cauldron.
News Alert
06:12 PM EST Wednesday, November 11, 2009
U.S. ambassador dissents on Afghan troop increase
The U.S. ambassador in Kabul sent two classified cables to Washington in the last week expressing deep concerns about sending more U.S. troops to Afghanistan until Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s government demonstrates that it is willing to tackle the corruption and mismanagement that has fueled the Taliban’s rise, said senior U.S. officials.
For more information, visit -
This is the timeline for messaging between the 11th of September and December 3,2009.
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The first spike is coterminus with the first breaking news. The last spike is reactions to Obama's announcement that he was sending 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan during 2010, and would begin withdrawal summer 2011.
This is not breaking news according to The Post, but Pelosi announces that she is not again going to pressure her colleagues to support a war they oppose. Obama is going to have to do his own convincing.
Time to stop this search. At 14:00 p.m. January 1, 2010 23,477 messages had been found. The Archivist trendline is
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There is very little action after the trendline that stops at November 29.
The .txt file ready for Excel is more troops afghanistan.txt